Saturday, September 8, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 2 Final Trailer!

Many Thanks to The

Breaking Dawn Part 2 Trailer 2 Fever!

Hey guys I've gotten lucky in finding the latest trailer that was previewed on MTV Awards, this one from yahoo Movies, with extra bits in this version!  LOve it!  Here R some screen caps:

 Nessie using her gift on Bella

Edward watching on as Bella does her hunting tricks!

Edward asking the Denali Clan for help

A great view of the Denali Clan house- looks amazing!

A collective taking to Jacob & the wolves' support

A hark back to history & the burning of the immortal children, Sasha and Vasilii, as Kate, Tanya & Irena are held back 

Kate showing her gift...

The Volturi & the impending battle...

Battle plans...

It's on....

Go Bella, a mother's scorn!!!

Many thanks to Twlight Lexicon for the screen caps & info!